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Study Shows Children Benefit from Spending Time with Seniors
November 1, 2019
Aside from its many advantages for seniors, in-home care services have a direct impact on extended family members too. According to a recent study performed at the University of Liege in Belgium, children who spend quality time with senior relatives are more likely to have positive views about older adults and to resist negative stereotypes associated with ageism.
At Homewatch CareGivers®, our in-home care franchise opportunity allows prospective owners to create meaningful change within their communities. As an owner, you will be able to work with caregivers who are actively improving the lives of local seniors and their families.
In this post, we’ll discuss some of the major benefits when children spend quality time with seniors – and how our caregivers can ensure that these needs are met.
The Benefits of Intergenerational Connection and Care
As the researchers at the University of Liege found, children who spend time with their senior relatives are less likely to have negative attitudes about aging. After studying over 1,150 children between the ages of seven and sixteen, the researchers noticed that kids who visited their grandparents at least once a week had highly favorable views about seniors, especially if they had a satisfying relationship with these relatives.
While the grandparents’ health also had a direct impact on children’s views on aging, this finding proves that quality time is crucial for children to develop a greater sense of social awareness. Similar research at Stanford University backs up this discovery: A 2014 report found that seniors can pass on valuable problem-solving and emotional intelligence skills to children. In return, seniors are richly rewarded with positive social interaction and greater cognitive enrichment.
How Can In-Home Care Help Families?
In the past, many older Americans were unable to stay in touch with their families after retirement, and had few alternatives beyond a nursing home or assisted living facility. With the advent of affordable in-home care solutions, more seniors now have the chance to “age in place” in the comfort of home. As a result, families have the opportunity to connect with their senior loved ones more frequently than ever before.
By taking care of important household chores, helping out with personal care needs, and providing reliable transportation methods, our Homewatch CareGivers locations empower seniors everywhere to spend more time with their families. Our owners play a direct role in connecting seniors with their communities – ensuring that everyone reaps the benefits of intergenerational connection.
Are you interested in learning more about our in-home care franchise opportunity? Contact us online todayto get started!