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PBS NewsHour story on Medicare Advantage Benefits quotes CEO Julie Smith
June 22, 2018
Plans to add broad non-medical benefits to Medicare Advantage (MA) will greatly impact people wanting to age at home. Journalist Philip Moeller recently covered what these changes mean in a PBS NewsHour column, featuring a quote from Julie Smith.
Smith, president and CEO of Homewatch CareGivers, explains that these benefits will boost the in-home care services industry. She highlights how this is a huge opportunity for the senior care industry and for Homewatch CareGivers specifically, as these changes will allow more Medicare coverage for non-medical services, including in-home caregiving.
Homewatch CareGivers provides expert in-home care, understanding the need to age at home.
Learn more about how Homewatch CareGivers franchisees can benefit from these changes to Medicare Advantage.