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Business of Care Franchisee Spotlight: Boise, ID
September 1, 2017
In honor of Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, during the month of September we are spotlighting stories our franchisees have shared on how their businesses are part of the “Business of Care.” For more information on how you can be part of the business care, visit our Franchise Website.
“Our office received a call from one of our caregivers stating that she was ill and unable to go to her shift in about an hour. Due to the short notice, the only person available could not be at the shift on time, so one of the owners volunteered to provide care until the replacement could be there.
He arrived at the home of the client and introduced himself as the “fill-in caregiver.” The look in her eyes told him something was amiss. She then explained, “Today is bath day and I have a wedding to attend in about an hour.”
After some thought, she was assured that he would help her as much as possible and keep her privacy intact. Through some creative caregiving and use of a sheet as a privacy curtain, together they completed her shower, got dressed and got ready for the wedding while providing complete privacy for the client.
While he was putting her socks on her feet, she looked down at him and said, “I cannot believe you were able to do that. Thank you.”
It is amazing to us that we get to do what we do for a living and still have the appreciation of our clients.”
—Eric Wallentine, Homewatch CareGivers of Boise, Idaho