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Coming Together as an Industry
May 25, 2016
While there is increasing competition in the senior care industry, there is a growing cohesiveness within the Home Care Association of America (HCAOA), the country’s first association for providers of private duty home care. Homewatch International, Inc. CEO Leann Reynolds sits on the Board of Directors of the HCAOA which is deeply involved in addressing many issues that concern not only the companies that provide these services but those who receive them as well.
The HCAOA is releasing a new report, “Caring for America’s Seniors: The Value of Home Care” which was designed to inform a broad spectrum of influencers and the general public on the value of home care. Despite the tremendous growth in elder care service business, there remains a lot of misunderstanding about the services available and how those are typically paid for.
The fact is a population boom in people who are likely to need home care is going to outpace the number of family caregivers, who have been filling the gap in the health care system and honoring the wishes of the majority of people who prefer to age in place rather than move to a nursing home. In addition, people mistakenly believe that medical insurance or Medicaid will be the financial safety net when the time comes for these services, but that is not the case.
Ms. Reynolds, along with other members of the HCAOA Board of Directors, has been actively reaching out to lawmakers to push legislation that will benefit family caregivers who all-too-often find themselves burdened—either financially, physically or emotionally. Among the bills under consideration that the HCAOA members support include:
Credit for Caring Act: Eligible caregivers receive a 30% tax credit for the cost of long-term care expenses over a certain amount.
Payroll Fraud Prevention Act: Ensuring that employees are correctly classified.
Ensuring Access to Affordable Home Care for Seniors and Disabled Act: addressing the Fair Labor Standards Act and specifics for domestic service employment or “companionship services” to make sure employees are accurately classified.
“We care about our caregivers and the families we service,” said Ms. Reynolds. “In making our necessary services available, we want to also be providing stable employment opportunities as well as giving families of those needing care a much-needed break.”
To order a copy of the report, visit the Home Care Association of America website or Access a PDF of the HCAOA Report
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