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Caregiving: A Job That’s Here To Stay
July 27, 2016
When you open a business, you become an employer. Not only are you making a difference in the lives of those who benefit from your product or service, you are creating stability and meaning for the people who work for you learning new skills.
While innovation has eliminated many jobs over time (how many elevator operators do you know? Switchboard operators? Ever met a lamplighter?), there are some professions that are in growth mode now. Many of these jobs are also the kind that can’t be outsourced to another country as the person performing the task needs to be delivering the service directly, not from afar.
Senior Care Industry
As people live longer, they need more help and with the population of seniors (people over age 65) expected to more than double by 2040, there is an increased need for help in the home.
A 2012 Bureau of Labor Statistics study found a 69.4% increase for home health aides. A college degree is not required for these jobs and reputable home care companies provide professional training. A 2015 Deloitte study showed a 168% increase of care workers and in home caregivers. These researchers also observed that the jobs with more growth are those that require more social interaction.
An AARP report released in early 2016 stated that by “2020, 117 million Americans are expected to need assistance of some kind.” However, there is a gap between that need and the estimated number of available family or unpaid caregivers.
Win Win
While many people are committed to being there for their loved ones as they age, it’s so critical that they continue taking care of themselves too. This means that they need helpers for their loved ones so they can take breaks to recharge and not burnout.
To recap, here’s the ripple effect of owning a senior care business:
- Provide meaningful employment in your community.
- Provide specialized training to enhance skills of employees.
- Provide a needed service that allows people to live with assisted independence.
- Provide respite care for exhausted family caregivers.
Caregiving is a growing field that fills a life passion for so many people to give back and make a difference for others.