Become a Homewatch CareGivers Owner

Invest in The Growing Home Care Industry

Learn More
$2.24 Million
Average Gross

$225 Billion
Home Care
Industry Value

$92,310 to $154,000*
Estimated Initial
Investment Range
two people walking down the stairs. One women is wearing a blue Homewatch CareGivers shirt helping and leading the other women who is holding on to the banister walking down the steps.
$2,240,271 Average Franchisee Gross Revenue In 2023**
**See Item 19 of our 2024 Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) for further details.

Homewatch CareGivers: The Business of Wellness Care

For many, the dream of entrepreneurship begins with a simple question: How can I make a difference while building something of my own?

Since 1980, Homewatch CareGivers has helped people like you answer that question—by creating a lasting legacy in the home care space. Maybe you’ve been searching for the right home care business for sale or thinking about starting a home health care business to serve your local community. We’ve been there, too. It’s why, nearly 30 years ago, we opened the doors to franchising, offering others the chance to walk the path we’ve proudly paved.

At the heart of Homewatch CareGivers is a belief that business should be personal. That care is more than a service—it’s a calling. When you choose to open a home care business with us, you’re stepping into an established system that’s dedicated to changing lives, one family at a time.

But this isn’t just about joining a brand with decades of history. It’s about becoming part of a community. Our franchise model is built to empower owners to create businesses that matter—businesses rooted in compassion, driven by innovation, and equipped with powerful tools and technology to help you thrive.

So, if you’ve been wondering when the right moment is to start a home care business and make a true impact, the answer could be now. And Homewatch CareGivers is ready to help you turn that dream into a reality—one client, one caregiver, and one story at a time.

Two women outside gardening. One women is holding a sunflower

What Sets Homewatch CareGivers Apart

A green leaf icon
Proprietary Business Intelligence Tools
A green leaf icon
Professional Marketing Assistance
A green leaf icon
Advanced Technology
A green leaf icon
Recession-Resistant Industry
See How You Will Benefit

3 Simple Steps to Business Ownership

You’ll start your journey by speaking with the franchise development team and then participate in a series of educational webinars about launching your home care franchise and the Homewatch CareGivers brand.
Deeper Dive
Review your territory, state regulations, and state licensing requirements with our highly experienced team, and then you’ll have the opportunity to meet existing owners.
Meet the Team
Attend a meet your team day at our franchise support center in Denver and review past topics to confirm a business relationship that will help achieve your home care franchise goals!

Our Awards

Franchise Registry Verified 2022 member logo
Blue badge that is written in white says 24 Franchise Innovation Awards Winner
Red badge written in white says 2024 Franchise Customer Experience
red trophy that says FBR in white with 10 years Hall of Fame written in black
Top 50 Franchise written in black and below it says Franchisee Satisfaction Awards with a red circle above it
Gold medal that says Military Times Franchises 2018 Best with 3 stars
Best of Home Care Endorsed National Provider 2014-2019 written in black in a blue circle

    * See Item 7 of our April 18, 2024 Franchise Disclosure Document (“FDD”).
    ***for the 2023 calendar year as reported by all Homewatch CareGivers franchisees whose businesses were operational for a full 12 months. See Item 19, Table 1-B of our April 18, 2024 Franchise Disclosure Document (“FDD”).

    Some outlets have earned this amount. Your individual results may differ. There is no assurance that you’ll earn as much.

    "I looked at about half a dozen home care companies when I was deciding to open this franchise and there are a few reasons I went with Homewatch Caregivers, the first is their high standard of training!"
    Matthew Peterson
    "I own the Homewatch Caregivers office in Crystal Lake, Illinois. What I love about this business is being able to make a difference in people's lives one person at a time."
    Tamera Mongin

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